Tuesday 10 April 2012


The past few days I've been playing with Dinosaurs.

Original photograph:

Separate parts for puppeting in ToonBoom Animate (the final one has more - the leg is in 3 spearate bits):

One of the first videos (the dinosaur was then edited to look more like the original drawing, larger head, larger belly, for a bit more characterisation):

It's actually a lot of fun doing puppet animation. It takes quite a while to set up, but after working on Barista and only figuring out how to do puppets 3/4 of the way through last year, the amount of time it saves animating is worth the amount of time it takes to set up. The final animation will probably have an outline around the dinosaur - I'm thinking graphite stick or biro, but considering the edit here is only done with the original photograph, I'm really pleased with how it's turned out. I've also been playing around with the credits, but dinosaurs are much cooler.

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